
In today's world of work, where rapid changes and fierce competition are prominent features, understanding and enhancing employee job performance has become crucial to the success of any organization. It is the basic engine of productivity and growth and plays a vital role in achieving organizational goals. However, there is a lot of controversy and questions about what this performance is, its types, and its role in the development of institutions and organizations. In addition, what are the best practices and strategies for developing and motivating performance? So we brought you this article, in which we will explore these vital issues and provide important insights for organizations seeking to improve their performance. So follow along.

What is the concept of job performance?

It is a fundamental focus in evaluating the performance of employees and the quality of their work within the organization. It expresses the way the employee performs the tasks and responsibilities assigned to him in his job. In other words, it is a measure that shows the extent of the employee’s effectiveness in completing his work and achieving the organization’s goals.

This type of employee performance is evaluated in government and private institutions through several methods, including conducting formal performance reviews or surveying the opinions of the employee’s colleagues and supervisors about him. It depends on several factors, such as the employee’s knowledge, skills, motivation, and ability to work well with others.

What are the elements of job performance?

In today's business environment, evaluating employees' job performance is critical to ensuring the continued success and growth of the organization. There are several main elements that form the basis of this evaluation, which employees must constantly work to develop, and they can be summarized as follows:

Level of task execution

It is one of the most important indicators of job performance. An employee who is able to complete his tasks efficiently and on time is considered to have outstanding performance, and the high quality of the work performed represents another crucial element in performance evaluation.

Ability for career development

The ability for career development and continuous growth is one of the desirable traits in employees. An employee who shows a desire to learn and improve his skills will be more valuable to the organization in the long term.

Customer comments

Furthermore, customer feedback and the ability to respond to it effectively are important indicators of the level of customer service and effective communication. An employee who demonstrates strong communication skills and handles customer feedback professionally will be valued as an outstanding employee.

Be responsible

Finally, being responsible and committed to work are essential elements for outstanding job performance. A reliable and responsible employee will be a valuable asset to the organization.

Job performance goals

It is a set of specific goals and aspirations that employees are assigned to achieve to improve and develop their performance at work. These goals are of great importance to both the employee and the organization. For the employee, these goals provide him with:

  • A clear understanding of the requirements of his job role and what is expected of him.
  • Motivation and incentives to improve his performance and his skills.
  • Clear paths for development and professional growth.

At the organizational level, job performance objectives contribute to:

  • Aligning employee performance with the organization's strategic goals.
  • Identify areas for improvement and the required development opportunities.
  • Promoting a culture of excellence and achievement within the organization.
  • Improving productivity, quality, and operational efficiency.

Therefore, it is important that these goals are specific and measurable, that employees are involved in setting them, and that the necessary support and resources be provided to achieve them. Thus, employee performance goals become an effective tool to motivate employees and direct their efforts towards achieving organizational success.

Types of job performance

There are many types of job performance, but they can be summarized as follows:

  • Job behavior: It is the employee exceeding the specific requirements of his job, which helps enhance the overall performance of the organization, such as helping colleagues.
  • Quality of work: the general level of excellence and accuracy in the employee’s performance of his work.
  • Creativity: the employee's ability to come up with new and innovative ideas and solutions to address the problems he or his colleagues face.
  • Task Performance: This refers to an employee's ability to effectively complete the specific tasks and duties of his or her job.
  • Workload: The amount of work an employee can complete in a given time frame.
  • Communication skills: the employee's ability to communicate effectively with colleagues, supervisors, and customers.
  • Safety standards: the employee’s ability to follow safety protocols and prevent accidents at work.
  • Adaptability: The employee's ability to adapt to changes in the work environment, such as taking on new tasks.
  • Attendance and punctuality: the employee's attendance, discipline in arriving and leaving, and handing over tasks at the specified times.
  • Leadership spirit: the employee's ability to lead and motivate others in the workplace.

The importance of job performance management

Job performance management is a critical process for achieving organizational success. It helps organizations identify and measure the performance of employees and ensure that they achieve the organization's goals. The most important benefits of this management are the following:

  • Increased productivity: When clear goals are set for employees and the necessary support is provided to them, this helps them improve their performance and increase their productivity.
  • Employee Retention: Providing tools and support to employees will increase their job satisfaction and reduce turnover rates.
  • Improving customer satisfaction: Improving employee performance leads to improving the quality of services provided to customers and thus increasing their satisfaction.
  • Enhancing competitiveness: Effective employee performance management helps organizations improve their performance and enhance their competitiveness in the market.
  • Improving organizational performance: Successful management of job performance leads to improving the organization's overall performance and increasing its growth and profits.

When is job performance evaluated?

The timing of the evaluation should be determined to suit the needs of the organization and employees, and this timing should be agreed upon and coordinated between the two parties, speaking about its exact date. This can be summarized as follows:

Right timing

There are varying opinions on this subject. The evaluation may take place annually, quarterly, or even when certain interim goals are achieved, and the appropriate timing must be determined in coordination between the employee and his direct manager.

Agreement with the employee

It is important to involve the employee in determining the timing of the evaluation and the desired goals. This undoubtedly helps increase understanding and transparency between the two parties.

Consistency and fairness

There should be consistency in applying the performance appraisal policy to all employees, and the process should be as fair and objective as possible.

Focus on development and improvement.

The main goal of the evaluation process should be to develop and improve the employee's performance rather than simply making judgments.

Continuous feedback

Evaluation should not be a separate event but rather be part of an ongoing process of communication and feedback between the employee and his manager.

The most prominent job performance evaluation models

Evaluating job performance is one of the vital administrative practices to improve employees’ performance and develop their capabilities. Below is a detailed presentation of the models:

Comprehensive annual evaluation

This model is the most common in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and around the world, as it includes the facility’s evaluation of the employee and the employee’s evaluation of himself. Previously, it relied on paper reports, but with technical development, human resources departments have become able to create interactive digital reports that can be stored in the cloud.

Advantages of this model

  • Facilitates review of the employee's compensation, compensation, and rewards package.
  • It provides a comprehensive and detailed overview of the employee’s performance and level of achievement.

Disadvantages of this model

  • It may not reflect the employee's true performance if the facility does not commit to monitoring the employee's performance throughout the year.
  • Relatively slow, it may take time to determine the need for a promotion or an employee's salary increase.

Continuous feedback

It is a technology whose use has increased in recent years due to its suitability for the modern work environment, as it includes quick notes from the manager or colleagues while working.

Advantages of this model

  • Flexible and fits the changing work environment.
  • Provides immediate feedback to the employee.

Disadvantages of this model

  • Notes may not be formally documented.
  • Managers have difficulty providing constructive feedback on the job.

360-degree job performance evaluation

It includes evaluating the employee by his colleagues, his manager, and his subordinates, in addition to evaluating the employee himself, thus giving the employee the opportunity to see his strengths and weaknesses from different angles.

Advantages of this model

  • It gives a comprehensive picture of the employee's performance.
  • Increases employee awareness of his strengths and weaknesses.

Disadvantages of this model

  • An employee may be concerned about his colleagues' evaluations.
  • It requires more time and effort to implement.

Obstacles to job performance in government institutions

Regarding obstacles to job performance in government institutions, there are several main factors that can be highlighted, as follows:

Increased job load

Employees in government institutions often face intense pressure from increasing burdens and accumulated tasks, which negatively affects their level of performance and job satisfaction.

Poor work environment

The work environment in government institutions often lacks a positive climate and good relations between colleagues, which is reflected in productivity and performance.

Lack of training and development

The lack of appropriate training programs and professional development opportunities prevents employees from acquiring the skills necessary to enhance their performance.

Lack of incentives and appreciation

The lack of an effective incentives and rewards system, in addition to management’s lack of appreciation for the efforts made, leads to low motivation and commitment to work.

Poor balance between personal and work life

Difficulty balancing job demands with personal responsibilities is likely to negatively impact a government employee's performance.

Limited opportunities for promotion and career advancement

The lack of clear prospects for promotion and career development reduces employees’ enthusiasm and ambition to improve their level of performance.


Addressing these obstacles by adopting effective strategies such as improving the work environment, developing incentive systems, and enhancing training and professional development programs will contribute to improving job performance in government institutions.

How does Qoyod accounting software help develop job performance?

The Qoyod program plays a pivotal role in analyzing and improving employees’ job performance, which reflects positively on the productivity and efficiency of the organization as a whole through the following:

Track and analyze performance.

Qoyod accounting software provides tools to track and analyze employees' job performance in detail and thus helps managers understand the strengths and weaknesses of each employee, enabling them to make decisions regarding development and improvement.

Measure efficiency and productivity.

Through the reports and analyses provided by the system, it is possible to measure the efficiency and productivity levels of employees. It is worth noting that this information helps identify opportunities for improvement and allocate resources more effectively.

Supporting administrative decisions

The comprehensive data and analyses provided by the Qoyod program provide managers with the objective information necessary to make sound management decisions regarding employees, such as promotions, rewards, and training and development.

Improving the overall performance of the organization

When job performance data is used effectively, it helps improve the overall performance of the organization through strategic planning and continuous improvement.


The concept of job performance is one of the most important basic elements in human resources management. It helps organizations determine the level of employee productivity and objectively evaluate their performance. This concept provides the basis on which promotion, training, and compensation decisions are built. Therefore, understanding and effectively applying this concept of employee performance contributes to enhancing productivity and organizational efficiency in the long term, and with the rapid developments in the work environment, this concept will remain the focus of attention for managers and experts in human resources management.

It is worth noting that the Qoyod accounting program has a strong hand in developing the job performance of employees in institutions and organizations, as we saw above, and not only that, but it also provides to all its customers various electronic invoice systems and a point-of-sale system to meet what everyone needs. Thus, it has become the best integrated accounting program in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

After you know what the concept of job performance is, try Qoyod now for free for 14 days. It is an accounting program that will save you time and effort, and you can see it for yourself.

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