Know how to protect your customers’ info and data

Data and information security
If a company is exposed to hacking into its customer database, it will be a fatal blow, simply because buying and selling, existing customer movements, and potential customer information may all fall into the hands of the competitor.

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Data and information are one of the most important underpinnings of a company.

they may be its most important asset; in the event of hacking of some kind, the company will undoubtedly incur heavy losses, and its reputation will be affected and damaged.

If the company does not deal optimally with this penetration and its effects, this may lead to the leakage of customer data and information, and hence the breakdown of the company.

so it is important to protect the Information Technology infrastructure that includes such data.

Because of the high frequency of cyberattacks all around the world.

the requirement for security products and services has increased due to the constant threats and evolving patterns of cyberattacks.

To know everything you need about data and information security in your company, and how to keep your customers’ data safe, follow the lines of this article.

What is information security, and what is its historical background?

It is the processes and practices of any particular company or entity aimed at protecting and preserving its information, whether internal or external.

The simplest example is the damage that may occur to her, whether from theft or  sabotage.

The term information security has emerged since the beginnings of communication, and with its emergence comes the importance of protecting the exchange of top-secret files and confidential information, in particular military information,, from being hacked or stolen by unauthorized parties.

This term crystallized in its current form after the spread of the Internet and computers.

which include information whose degrees of confidentiality vary from one place to another, and in which no one wants information and data to be exposed to leakage, theft, or vandalism.

For this reason, companies have realized the importance of information security and have begun to develop ways to protect their information due to the increasing competition among them.

especially with the increasing use of the Internet in the exchange and storage of information.

What are the elements of information security?

If we do any research on information security, it becomes clear that there are 3 main elements that form the components of data and information security:

2.1- secrecy factor

This means preserving all data and information, protecting it from hacking, and preventing others from viewing it without obtaining permission from the user.

2.2-Privacy factor

This is evident in preventing unauthorized persons from making changes to data or information without the knowledge of the owner.

2.3-Continuity factor

This means, giving others the ability to obtain and control important data and necessary information through the owner, in addition to the individuals authorized to carry out this work.

2.4-What is cyber security?

The meaning of cyber security is reflected in the protection of systems, networks and programs from digital attacks aimed at accessing, destroying or changing sensitive information (the same definition of digital security). 

The purpose of these attacks is to seize users’ funds, or to affect normal business.

Successful cyber security consists of multiple layers of protection, that are spread over the computers, networks, software, or data that must be maintained.

So it’s important that they complement each other, in order to create an effective defense against cyberattacks.

Types of Cyber security

3.1-Application Security

This means, keeping software and hardware away from threats and hackers, by ensuring that the hacker does not access protected data.

3.2-Cloud Security

This means, the protection of information and personal data that is stored on the World Wide Web and cloud storage sites such as Google Drive and Microsoft One Drive.

3.3-Operational Security

This means, maintaining and protecting electronic data processes and assets.

This is done by reviewing all the permissions that users have to access the network, determining where and when this data is stored, and when it is shared with others.

3.4-Network Security

That is, protecting your computer network from hacking, whether from inside or outside this network.

What is the difference between security and safety?

The security of data and information is to protect them from deliberate threats from hackers who have full intent to sabotage the company’s operations, steal its information, or damage it. 

This means that security is geared towards protecting against illegal activities.

Information and data integrity are protecting them from unintended threats, such as making false updates that cause systems to shut down.

4.1-How to protect information security

The types of information that should be protected are three: 

4.2- Data at rest

It’s data that you can store on the cloud, hard drives, and backup disks.

This type of data is not in a network transition (inactive) state and can be protected using encryption, access permits, two-factor and multiple-factor authentication, and backup.

4.3-Active data

Information that is sent over networks or stored on RAM.

This type of data may be email, file transfer protocol, or other data; you can protect this mobile data with strong encryption techniques and protected protocols and channels when it is transmitted.

4.4: Data in Use

Data on end devices, such as computers and mobile phones.

This type of data is difficult to protect because of its diversity, but this can be done by limiting access to it and increasing end-user awareness of data management and protection.

 What are cyber security certifications?

They are certificates specialized in information protection and are given as proof of the ability of the individual or institution to provide optimal data protection in the relevant field.


  • Certificate of Basic Principles in Cyber Security Fundamentals (GIAC GSEC)
  • Certified Ethical Hacker.
  • Cybersecurity Certification +Security
  • A+ certification.
  • CISA Certification.
  • CCNA certification.

 How do you maintain the security of data and information about you and your customers?

Because of the importance of data, its security should be a priority for your enterprise. That’s why we will list the top ten measures through which you preserve your personal data and the data of your customers:

  • Use strong passwords.
  • Turn on the firewall settings.
  • Use a powerful and reliable antivirus.
  • Continuous updating of the system.
  • Protect all computers.
  • Protect mobile phones.
  • Take regular backups.
  • Monitor the status of the operating system constantly.
  • Deal intelligently with emails and be careful when browsing the Internet.
  • Educate employees about the importance of data security.


Now that you know the importance of data and information security, we invite you to get the greatest possible benefit by visiting Qoyod’s platform.

Qoyod maintains the security of your data and information, as it is a secure program that uses customer data only for matters that concern them and improve their experience.

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