The book value represents all the assets of the company acquired by the shareholders upon liquidation, and often the value of the company‘s assets becomes less than its market value.
There are many types of journal entries, such as compound entries, adjusting entries, and reversing entries, for which the accountant must be well versed in economic events.
Since the dawn of the small and medium enterprise world, many have been ignorant of the characteristics and role of an accounting job and do not know how an accountant can help them in their work. In this article, we provide you with basic information to understand the nature of the accountant’s role and tasks and how to hire the right accountant for your business. Read the article now.
Do you think that accounting terms are too difficult to understand? As an entrepreneur, you don’t have to dive into the science of accounting, but you should understand the basic terminology to know how to deal with your accountant. In this brief and interesting guide, we present to you the most important accounting terms in an interesting, shorthand and fun style. Read them now.
Do you have difficulty dealing with accounting? Feel as if it is a complex mathematical language that you cannot understand? In this guide, you will easily learn about the most important steps and necessary foundations for you as an emerging company to remain in the field of competition, anticipate events and pass over financial crises with high professionalism.