An effective date notice model is available for download and modification.

An effective date notice model

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Companies must document all of their steps and actions to the same degree as they must document their various financial transactions. For example, filling out an effective date notice model and sending it to an employee in the company contributes to preserving the rights of this employee. It also contributes to preserving the company’s rights in the event of a problem occurring in the salary calculation, the employee’s regularity at work, or a violation of any of the company’s work provisions, which negatively affects one of the two parties. We will submit the effective date notice to the judicial authority that qualifies to consider this type of claim as official documentation and evidence. It also contributes to organizing business and making it more professional and regular, so we will explain to you what is meant by the effective date notice model and the reasons for its importance for both parties of the business, and we will also give you different models of this model that you can download, modify, and print easily in preparation for use.

Definition of an effective date notice model

The official document known as an effective date notice notifies the employee that it’s time to return to work or that he must begin performing his job duties on the specified date. It contains some essential information about the employee, the job he is required to perform, work hours, and so on.

The effective date notice and its elements are important because they are an approved official document that protects employee interests and employer interests. We rely on the work commencement model to understand the employee’s job details, including work hours, salary value, responsibilities and tasks, and potential benefits like insurance and bonuses. This makes it a strong foundation on which to build the employee’s expectations and determine whether this job is suitable for him and contributes to his professional development or not.

What are the elements of an effective date notice?

To make the effective date notice model complete and official between the employee and the employer, and to enable its submission as a legal document in the event of a dispute between the employer and the employee, it is essential to incorporate specific elements.

The title

This document is always entitled “Effective Date Notice” or similar phrases with the same meaning, and with this title, this document is distinguished from other official documents of the company in general.

Nature of notice

This means determining whether this notice is for the employee’s return to work, was sent to inform a newly appointed employee of the start date of his new job, or otherwise. Depending on the type of effective date notice, the employee’s detailed data is determined, which is mentioned next.

Employee personal details

In this section, accurate information about the employee is added, including his full name. Mentioning the employee’s full name is necessary, because this prevents the problem of similarity of names and reduces the emergence of unexpected obstacles later. Other information is also included, such as his phone number, residential address, etc.

Job details

This part is the most important in any effective date notice model because it specifies the job in which the employee will work, and the start date of work is determined from these details. The department he will join to work in and other details that are important to the employee and make his performance of his duties more smooth and clear are also determined. .

Employee number

It is a number that the employee obtains from the company or entity in which he works. This number must be used when sending the employment notice to ensure that it is delivered to the intended employee without unexpected errors.


It is a very important element, especially if the organization that is hiring has multiple branches because specifying the location along with specifying the department shows the employee the address of the place where he will begin working.

Date of starting work

The date on which the employee becomes in the workforce and is committed to his responsibilities is mentioned, and it is among the official information contained in the work commencement document, because from this time he will be required to assume his full job responsibilities.

The supervisor or department manager

He is the person who will become responsible for the employee when he joins work, and follows up on his completion of the tasks required of him. It is important to mention his name so that the employee can go directly to him and obtain starting instructions from him.


In institutions or companies where individuals work in shifts, the employee must be informed of the shift chosen for him, clarifying whether that shift is fixed or variable.

Notes or terms

It is a paragraph in which some work conditions are specified, such as the presence of a test, training, or the like, along with providing complete information in this regard.

The signature

It is the signature that is considered proof of the validity of everything stated in the work notice and is carried out by the heads of the departments concerned with recruitment and human resources management.

Types of effective date notice models

Effective date notice does not come in a unified format because it is mainly used for several purposes and is not considered one of the procedures for starting new jobs only, as its types come as follows:

Effective date notice after vacation

The effective date notice model is used here after leave, and the focus is on the return date, specifying the tasks that the employee is supposed to perform. The model for this type of job notice is as follows:


Day:…………….. Date:…

Employee Name: … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ….

Job number: … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .

Job title: … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ….

Workplace: … … … …

The aforementioned began his work with us on the day of… during the shift (…)

From the information provided by the work supervisor, Mr.

This is after the employee returns from leave that began on…/…/…


comments: … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

Signatures of officials:

Human Resources Officer:………………………….       General Director: …………………….

Director of Operations and Operations:

Direct manager:……………………..


Effective date notice model after training

This model is sent to an employee who has recently joined the job and is committed to spending a training period, or who has been away from work for a period to attend a training course to develop his skills at work. This model follows a specific format:

Day:……………….. Date:…./…./….

Employee Name: … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .

Job number: … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .

Job title: … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .

Workplace: … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .

“The aforementioned began his work for us starting from the day of … … the date … / … / … …, in the shift ( … … … … … … …)

From the information provided by the work supervisor, Mr.:

This is after the employee returns from the training period that began on … … … … date … / … / … …


comments: … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …


Signatures of officials:

HR Manager:…………………………….    Direct Manager:………. ……………………..

General Director: ……………………..

Director of Operations and Operations: ………………………………


Effective date notice model after appointment

We send the newly hired employee of the work team a post-appointment notice that includes all the details he needs to know. This type of employment letter follows a specific format:


Day:……….. Date:…. /…./…….


Employee Name: … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .

Job number: … … … … … … Job title: … … … … … … … … .

Workplace: … … … … … … … … … … .


The aforementioned began his work with us starting from the day of … … … the date … … / … … / … …, in the shift ( … … … … … ).

With the knowledge of the work supervisor:


comments: … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

Signatures of officials:

General Manager: ……………….. Direct Manager: ……………………

Operations Manager: ……………….. Human Resources Department: …………..

Download the effective date notice model

In this paragraph, you can download all types of effective date notice models, both in Dox format and in PDF format. To download the forms, follow the following:

  • To download the effective date notice model after leave in Doc format, click here, and to download it in PDF format, click here.
  • To download the effective date notice model after training in Doc format, click here, and to download it in PDF format, click here.
  • To obtain the effective date notice model after an appointment in Doc format, click here, and to obtain it in PDF format, click here.

After downloading and modifying the files as appropriate, you can print the notice and send it to the person concerned.

How does Qoyod accounting software help you manage effective date notice models?

You can use the Qoyod accounting program to create and manage effective date notice models, and you can also organize all of your company’s work and approved documents, as the system is characterized by the following:

  • The program is cloud based and does not need to be downloaded to your devices, which makes it not require a lot of space, and it is also safe and reliable.
  • The Qoyod program facilitates and streamlines the process of managing employee affairs, allowing you to create an organizational structure for your company.
  • You can register all employee data on the program, and the system is also concerned with determining each employee’s grade, salary, and date of starting his or her work in the company.
  • The system facilitates tracking employees’ attendance and departure times, day by day. It also follows the list of penalties in order to calculate rewards and financial resources whose value may decrease or increase according to the regulations.
  • A special file is created for each individual working in the organization to track his achievements, the extent of his commitment to work, and his level of completion of the tasks for which he is responsible for performing his job.
  • Files on the system are kept safely and cannot be lost easily.
  • The system can be used in Arabic or English to suit the nature of your company’s work.
  • If you want to try the Qoyod system, there is a free 14-day plan. Registration does not require entering your credit card information, so no money will be withdrawn for the trial.


With the Qoyod accounting system, the effective date notice model is simply created and managed, and all employment notices and official documents for your company are created, which preserves its rights as a legal person and workers’ rights. All of this is done smoothly and clearly. It is necessary to register on the Qoyod system due to the importance of these documents and the need to keep them in reliable and safe places, so you must take the initiative to register without having to use a credit card and benefit from the free 14-day trial of Qoyod, during which you use the program with all its features. You can then purchase it easily to organize all of your company’s financial and employment transactions while benefiting from the courses that are provided on the system to help you develop the business and increase profits without exerting strenuous efforts.

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